Hungry for the Harvest - Justus Murimi

Luke 2.25-40: Jesus' parents bring him to the temple when He's 8 days old and encounter two kingdom-focused individuals, Simeon and Anna. What lessons can we learn from these heroes? Are we so in tune with God's Spirit that we would recognize Jesus as Messiah in infant form as Simeon did? Jesus stated in John 4.34 that His physical food was to do the will of the Father. What are we hungry for?
Justus Murimi is the Executive Director of Normandy Church and we're honored to call him a friend.

Luke 2.25-40: Jesus' parents bring him to the temple when He's 8 days old and encounter two kingdom-focused individuals, Simeon and Anna.  What lessons can we learn from these heroes?  Are we so in tune with God's Spirit that we would recognize Jesus as Messiah in infant form as Simeon did?  Jesus stated in John 4.34 that His physical food was to do the will of the Father.  What are we hungry for?